Two Elders Oversee
It is obvious that it is the second man in our article who pleases God as an elder. In fact, our article might best be entitled, "One Elder Oversees," for our first man does more "overlooking" than "overseeing.”
Trust Not in Princes
It is so easy to be carried away, either in fear by the uncertainty of the future, or in ecstasy by the charisma of certain leaders that you can lose yourself.
Treating Temptation
If the devil can find Jesus in the wilderness, what makes you think he doesn’t know where you are?
Keeping Salvation
Is it impossible to lose our salvation? No, not if we profane “the blood of the covenant by which [we] were sanctified” (Hebrews 10:29). But a better question for those loved by God is, is it possible for one of His faithful children to be separated from Him?
Unspoken Words in Public Worship
Every worshiper should seek to refrain from unspoken words that distract others.