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Bible-Based Articles

Treating Temptation

Oct 20

If the devil can find Jesus in the wilderness, what makes you think he doesn’t know where you are?

Keeping Salvation

Oct 13

Is it impossible to lose our salvation? No, not if we profane “the blood of the covenant by which [we] were sanctified” (Hebrews 10:29). But a better question for those loved by God is, is it possible for one of His faithful children to be separated from Him?

Unspoken Words in Public Worship

Oct 6

Every worshiper should seek to refrain from unspoken words that distract others.

Why Young People are so Important to the Church

Sep 29

I do think the young people are the future of the church, but I am willing to take it a step further: I think young are the present of the church.

How Would Jesus Have Voted?

Sep 22

In deciding questions of a spiritual nature, it is always appropriate to ask: “What would Jesus do?”

If you’re feeling confused, find the simplicity that is in Christ.

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