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Bible-Based Articles

How Do You Worship?

Aug 11

It is easy today to practice what I would call “thinking our way to heaven.” The current Christian landscape is full of sayings such as: “Trust God,” “Focus on your relationship with Christ,” “Let Go and Let God.” While I am not debating the importance or validity of doing these things, when we say these things we often leave out how to do these things. God, however, knew exactly how to do those things and it was with daily ritual worship.

Do More of What Your Soul Loves to Do

Aug 4

"I don’t know the wearer’s intention; was this his life philosophy or simply a t-shirt he borrowed from his brother? Still, regardless of his motivation, the message is steeped in spirituality and worthy of consideration by those who serve the Lord.

The Transformational Power of God’s Word

Jul 28

But if God is not preparing us for a pop quiz at the Judgment, then what is the purpose of the Bible?

What Shall We do With Jesus?

Jul 21

The message about Christ moved the hearers, and this prompted the same essential question: “What shall we do?”

Honesty Filters

Jul 14

Honesty must become so important to us that we consistently say only things that are true. I like to think of this as an honesty filter—a system that carefully guards our speech so that only honest words come out.

If you’re feeling confused, find the simplicity that is in Christ.

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