Bible-Based Articles

Who Am I? Rethinking Our Identity
BY DILLON SLUSS. In America’s modern consumerism focused society, marketers have done a fantastic job at associating our identity with how much or what kind of stuff we own

The Past is Not Our Master
BY GREG CHANDLER. For all of history’s benefits, there is also a tragic element. Humans have a keen tendency to allow the past to master their present.

Until We Have Ears
BY PAUL EARNHART. He saw why Jesus had to come into the world and why He had to die in our stead. He became a new man in Christ with a new set of values and a new way of looking at things. He learned to walk by faith in God rather than by human wisdom.

On A Daily Basis
BY BILL HALL. Our lesson is this. Set your goals for the future, and set them high. But recognize that it’s the little, day-by-day moments, the often forgotten moments, accumulated through the years, that truly shape our destiny.

How Do You Worship?
BY DILLON SLUSS. It is easy today to practice what I would call “thinking our way to heaven.” The current Christian landscape is full of sayings such as: “Trust God,” “Focus on your relationship with Christ,” “Let Go and Let God.” While I am not debating the importance or validity of doing these things, when we say these things we often leave out how to do these things. God, however, knew exactly how to do those things and it was with daily ritual worship.